South West Leather Conference Jan 25 – 27

My good friend, and fellow Pony, Tindala, invited me to SWLC this year.  We went to bring the Ponies to “woo”.  This is the Leather conference of spirituality and relationships.


I find it interesting when people who saw me there at SWLC in 2009 come up to tell me about subMissAnn as “Beauty” pony girl, who is very tall, a bigger than life Pony amazon type woman.  It must be the Pony.  Then there is this moment when they are looking at me and they realize I am subMissAnn.

Tinny and I decided to play as fellow ponies the first night.  We had so much fun.  I carried a grooming bucket for random people to groom us.  We ran around as two ponies in a pasture – alot – too.  After two hours of hard play, I was exhausted. whew.


A class I truly enjoyed and learned while listening wasgiven by  Master Obsidian and Namaste.  The topic was Sacred Love.  The subject was bringing the D/s dynamic to everyday life in a relationship.  Example, the relationship of Family:  When Dad comes home from working everyone stops, gets off the computer and electronic games and goes to greet Dad and welcome him home.  It is a small thing really, but it means that Dad, who has just spent his day earning money to pay for all the families “things” is acknowledged, welcomed, appreciated and loved upon his return home.  Would that make a difference in your world?  I think so.  It works just as easy to adopt to two working parent families.


The second dungeon night tinny gave me permission to do a Veterinarian check up, Grooming and a bit of reining.  An incredibly satisfying time was had by both of us.  😉


I love my life.