Minneapolis September 15 – 17

I like Minneapolis.  I like the kinky men I met in Minneapolis better.  I’m starting to think that it isn’t so much whether a town was “better business” that makes it stand out in my mind, when I am day dreaming and reviewing my life, me thinks what influences how I feel about a place is the people, how engaging and wanting to play they were.  It always comes down to connecting with a person, the energy and the play.  I marvel at how a partner can take me to that edge, where  my mind tries to ride “this is so cool” and on the too much side is “please stay with me, watch the connection, please don’t ruin this.”  Not being able to do something, argh, I hate that.  Yes, I always want to be in situations I can be a good girl and do it right and succeed.  Yes, well, there lies the challenge of playing.  This is a great game…. and I  like being a  well used toy, and the good tired that comes after from the spirit and mental drain.


Bottom Line:  I can’t wait to return to Minneapolis.