I love my life. I love myself and do the self care and nurturing for me that I would do for each person I love. I am responsible for the happiness in my life. I am responsible for the conscious thought of creating, of manifesting my life. I am responsible for the conscious thought of creating the feeling of happiness in my life.
Yes, in answer to this the universe will smile on my self (which is both insignificant and all powerful in the universe) and let the games begin. It will test my resolve, give me trials and tribulations so that I feel the highs and lows of feelings and achievements. Some things will be easy and some things will be hard. To the degree I feel elation is to the degree I will feel sorrow and pain, for the universe is balanced this way. The ups and downs will bring me prideful moments and humble moments and I shall endeavor to appreciate it all. This is life, good and bad, ugly and beautiful, just and unfair, for life is everything and nothing.
I choose my behavior. I choose to be. I choose to be mindful, conscious and aware.
I choose to be a safe harbor, a place that is listening, I am focusing my attention on what is in front of me.
I carry the love of those that love me in my heart, always, and am thankful for each.
I promise to dream, to create possibility and dedicate myself to bringing those ideas to reality.
Dreams are manifesting from possibility to reality.