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Black and White

Craig Morey 2005


DM Gramlin 2006


Assaf 2007


Chic Productions 2008


Celebrating my Friendship with Mystessa Zeneca

When you have a like-minded bestie firend who enjoys the thrill of gonzo photo fetish in a national park in 2005 this is what happens:


When your friends opens his archive files and shares

a favorite photo of you in JG_Leathers Pony gear at Serious Bondage.



And an erotic nude at Stoney point




Shot at about the same time period, two totally different emotional, mental, and spiritual feelings or aura’s regarding these two images.  There is a range of depth in difference between the photos. 


My experience is that I deliver what you ask for, hanging out in bondage gear, or connecting all the dots in the universe to us.  Sometimes, you don’t want depth, you want a fun, easy time, and shared joy.  There is nothing wrong in wanting that.



What is most important to you?

Communicating what you are seeking is so very vital to having your vision a reality.  

I envison a secretary (heels, seamed stocking, tight skirt, blouse, hair up) that I take to task for not doing her job as well as I’d like.  I humilate her, and punish her, discipline her to empower her to do a better job.

I envision hiring a secretary to be my sex slave on business trips.  I explain that if she wants this job there are unusual requirements and I want to know if she is up to the task.

I envision that I have found my administrative assistant has taken money from the company and now will be my sex slave so that I don’t call the law.


These are all secretary scenes, the wardrobe and look is about the same but the nuances of the scenes are different, they have very different flavors.  Wanting a job, needing work, I will be very willing to jump hoops for you; having been caught doing something bad, I might struggle, not be compliant at first.  The first scene is for the folk who loves to discipline, loves to be in authority, hand out the shaming, give the spanking.  

Different things turn on different folk.

I love dressing up office perfect.  I love the body fitting skirt and blouse, the smooth, silky stockings and stylish heels.  I love having my hair up, so it can be taken down, messed up then pulled back out of the way.  I love being restrained, tied up.  Maybe struggling to get away and you tease me, taunt me because I have been working late, and you know I do this, took advantage of this, and now you want the office safe code and if I don’t give it up, well, there will be consequences.

This is a very romantisized capture scene, a scene of medium struggling, realizing I am securely captured and being taken.  This is my go to fantasy.  It is what always makes me wet and I enjoy all the feelings that come with it.

Your fantasy will make you excited, make you turned on.


This is play, pretend adult play, involving imagination, suspending reality.  A lot of props are NOT needed.  


I find a partner willing to share this intimate secret of what turns them on fascinating.  I am honored to be trusted. It is my pleasure to play with you.  I am a safe space to come to.



When inquiring for an appointment

Please introduce yourself.  (This means I would like to know your name.  Master is not a name, it is asking me to serve you before you have paid for my services.  When we are negiotiating our scene together we are equals stating our limts, working out our arrangements, negiotiating our agreements of what is about to happen between two adults.  You can negiotiate that while we play I call you “Master” or whatever titles you wish.  I am here to serve you during our time together.)


Please states what kinds of play you are interested in.


It is fine to have looked at my photos and want an erotic adventure.  Some folk are more fetish and kink oriented.  Some like BDSM.  Some just want to connect with another, spend time with someone who listens to them.  Some are very specific in what they need and want.  If you communicate to me up front, I am better able to determine if I can serve you and meet your needs.


Your lack of planning is not my emergency.  If you are visiting Los Angeles and want to see me, please make plans ahead of time and I can satisfy what you wish better, I can accommodate my schedule to yours.  I get that sometimes a folk just has an opening of time, a hard schedule to manage and you don’t always get a lot of lead time.  You never know, I may have available time and be ready for you.  In general, I do not hang out every day in my latex dress dress and full make up.  I like to hike and garden in my free time during the day, which means super duper clean up before I see you.  These activities keep me in shape and looking good for you.  They give me peace of mind.


I don’t go to strangers homes.  We meet at a safe, clean, private studio Play Space.  I don’t own them, a rental fee must be paid to use them.  My favorite spaces are $60.00 per hour.  Dungeon West and East is available to me for $80.00 per hour.  Or we meet at a hotel.


Please remember I have limits:


  • No permanent damage.
  • No breaking your toy.
  • No drugs.
  • No animals.
  • No partners under 21 years old.
  • No blood play.
  • No scat play.
  • No smoking.
  • No piercing, no temporary piercing, no needle play.
  • No tattoos. (on me).
  • No fluid (Cum, pre-cum and pee are a fluids) exchange play. I have my hard copy of current clean sex test (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV and Hep C) to show you. No fluid exchange, no exceptions. Exchange means to place the fluid in to my body or near a place that it would go in my body. Cum and pee on my chest, back, belly, legs is not exchange.
  • All oral, vaginal and anal penetrations with toys are covered, I bring condoms and gloves for all toys.

Yes, I give references

Do not make more than 5 reference requests in a year though.  More than that, you need to give me a tip for my time to look up our visits and write a reference.


I report if you are punctual, if you respected my limits, if there was any bartering over the price, if there was any hassles with money, if you cancel appointments, if you text a lot (some of you make an appointment and with that you feel hours of texting should be included), if you email a lot (I have threads of emails with 50 entries for one appointment), if I would see you again.  I also state how long ago i saw you.  If I saw you more than 3 years ago, don’t ask me to give you a reference.  It is too long ago, people’s situations change, things change in attitudes, I don’t feel I would be a good reference for how you are now.


That said, please be considerate of providers at this time.  A lot of sites have gone black because of SESTA/FOSTA and we are trying to network and be safe.

Expressing what you want to do during your session

I am always amused by the different ways minds work and the detail some folks put into having their fantasy come to life without writing an erotic novel or script for me.  

Scripts are stiffling, I won’t be able to memorize your words and by writing a script a folk has taken all spontaneity out of our interaction.  Most important is our connection, passion, having fun together.  Roll Play scenes can give you permission to do things you might feel anxious or inhibated about because “it isn’t you, it is a character”.


Sometimes folk simply request a Role Play.  Here are traditional  and lots of random role play:




Boss/wife of employee who embezzled money



Astronaut that lands on Male Dom planet

Captured female Pirate

Captured soldier


From this you can outline how you’d like the roll play to proceed.

Great examples of outlines:


1) Massage: you would be the massage therapist and when I come in you ask me to get on the table, before you’re able to leave the room, I’m already naked and it makes you a bit anxious/excited, you ask me to get on the table (or bed) face down, you cover me and start massaging my back, we have small chat and then you let something slip out about seeing my ‘member’, you catch self and feel embarressed, I then role over and expose myself and this leads to me directing you where to massage and with what….maybe I even get to massage you:)
2) I would like to roll play employee/secretary, at work we have a group secretary, you would take on this role, you would have on sexy/revealing/but not to revealing clothes and you let it slip how you have a crush on me and we move forward from there.



And then there are the truly inspired set up scenes:


Your are an actual member of the housekeeping staff at the hotel – you are wearing the required uniform.  A bit strange to require something so provocative, yes; but it’s a marketing tactic to attract business (and it’s working).  In fact, the change in dress code is one of the reasons you applied for the job.  You loved the idea from a marketing perspective, knew you would look amazing in it and figured it would lead to better pay than the previous hotel you worked at.  Plus, it wouldn’t really interfere with your work.  
You clearly aren’t prude, but you certainly fall to the more traditional sense when it comes to sex.  You almost exclusively engage in monogamous relationships and always vanilla in nature.  You aren’t offended by those that are more adventurous than you, you just feel you don’t have that ‘thing’ inside your mind and body that other do.  You are, however, curious.  Not curious in the “I want to try this” way, but more in the “Why do others do these things? and “Why don’t I want to?” way.  It’s this curiosity that has you in my room in the first place.
It was yesterday when you were cleaning the room next door when you hear the sounds from inside this room, the voices, the direction, the clanks of cuffs and the smack of skin on skin contact. “Of course, the privacy door sign is outside” you noticed when you walked by to clean the adjacent room.  Wanting to see more – to know what was really going on behind that door – you took the very risky action of stepping inside this morning, having watched me leave the room only 30 minutes ago.
Your initial hunch was, of course, correct.  Upon entering you saw all the toys, some of which familiar to you – by sight of course (except for the dildos – sometimes a girl needs to get things done by herself). You’ve never desired to play this way, which again, is where your curiosity rests.  “Why don’t I want this as other do?  What do others get from this?”.  You looked over everything on the beds – picking things up, putting them down where you found them as to not reveal you were there.  Amazed at the sheer number and variety of implements you continued on, opening drawers, peeking in the closet….”Whoever this person is, they are an expert and maybe some sort of professional”, you think to yourself. Perhaps they would have the answers.   As you consider this last thought, you figure maybe you could create a chance run-in with the man you saw leaving – maybe he’d be able to answer your curiosities over coffee. But how would you be able to introduce the topic without exposing that you were in his room when you clearly should not have been?  And with that thought, you heard the door unlock.
You’re caught.  Even though you work at the hotel, entering a room with a privacy sign is, in effect, trespassing.  You will lose your job, without a doubt.  And you can’t afford to be out of work for even a day.  It’s bad enough that you are seen as a dumb blonde by your manager, there is no way you could talk yourself out of this situation with him.  The threat of contacting management will frighten you.  You offer no excuse other than that you were curious after hearing things yesterday.  You offer no bargain, only pleads of forgiveness.  You are a strong women who made a mistake, not a whore who will fuck herself out of another problem.  Assuming you can prevent that call to the housekeeping manager, you buy yourself some time, though.  And, of course, now that you have my attention and don’t need a reason to introduce the topic, you want to ask questions about what goes on here, and where the motivation comes from – and why you don’t have it.   At times you press for details. How does it all start?  Who becomes the ‘boss’? What does the ‘sub’ do? Why all the dress-up? With assistance and direction, can what you thought was missing inside you, be found? 
Your curiosity got you in this predicament, will it get you out? 
Hotel uniform guidelines in your employment manual:
All housekeeping staff are required to wear the one-piece uniform (provided).  The uniform should be regularly cleaned, maintained and polished.  There should be no dull spots noticeable on either side (front or back).  

Stockings (not provided) must also to be worn.  Stockings should be sheer black in color and may have a back seam (i.e. “french style”).  Stockings must be at least thigh high in length and when necessary should be held in position with a garter belt (also not provided).  The garter belt must be black in color and may be made of PVC to match the uniform (non-PVC is allowed). Other dark colors (dark greens, navy, etc.) may also be allowed pending management approval.  Stockings and garter belts that do not meet these requirements must be approved by management 1 day prior to employee wearing them.  Under no circumstance will management provide “same day” approvals.

Undergarments (e.g. panties, thongs, g-strings)
Undergarments of any kind (with the exception of garter belts) are to be worn with approval from management only.  
Heels (not provided) are to be worn at all times.  Heels are to be black, red or white and must be at least 3″ in height. Platform heels are permitted, provided toe-to-heel rise is at least 3″.  All efforts should be made to wear patent leather heels, though non-patent leather are accepted.  NO BLOCK, WEDGE OR CHUNKY HEELS.  If you are not sure you heels meet requirements, please speak with your manager prior.
Boot Days
On special occasions, boots are to be worn with the uniform.  Employees will be notified in advance and must wear either black, red or white boots with their uniform provided they are are at least knee height (thigh-high height are accepted and encouraged).  Boot heel height must also be at least 3″.  Boot Days have proven to be an effective marketing tool to increase bookings and average nightly spend.  They are also a great opportunity to take advantage of some flexibility in your uniform.  Employees find tips increase during these days!  

Employees must wear appropriate make-up (Lipstick, eyeliner, shadow, mascara, etc.).  Eye hues may be of any color, lipstick must be RED.    


It is important to maintain your impeccable, tidy appearance, and your hair is no exception.  All hair longer than chin length must be placed in a bun or single pony tail tied to the back top of head.  All efforts should be made to maintain tight buns and ponytails throughout the day (See Inspections)
Uniform inspections can and will occur at anytime from 1hr prior to your shift to 1hr after your shift has ended.  Any employee that does not pass inspection will be subject to wage holds.


Going home today to Ollie, my rescue dog.


One of my promises to my rescue dogs and myself is that if I leave them, I make the bottom line worth it or I don’t leave them.


I am so happy today.  I am so grateful for all your support.  I am grateful the economy must be so much better.  My tour was 52.63% increase with an increase in profit margin of 21.68%.  I have always done things I love doing as a means of making a living.  I have not been as deligent in the past about good business.  I feel very proud of my improvement in this area.  I am doing better business while still doing something I love.


Thank you for extrodinary experiences.  I will share some in another posts.

I do not take all the offers made to me.  Some are not good fits with how I like to play.  The offers I do take have an end result in my feeling I made a difference, I shared my time and created an experience with another folk that was a terrific exploration, a time worth the ticket.


Thank you, again, the pleasure was mine.  You are all so wonderful.

Note to self

The maid asked me not to empty my left over coffee in the tub, to please throw it in the toilet.


I pondered whether or not to write my client to drink more water, be more hydrated.  


Note to self:  When the tub is separate from the shower, I must remember to rinse it.


Manhattan digs

When I turn in a reward night the hotel gives me one of their best rooms available.   I can walk for exercise in my own room here.  Wow.