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To NOLA or not to NOLA?

I have travels set to embark out to New Orleans next Monday and return Thursday morning to Los Angeles. My Eros Ad is up.  Quickly, you adventurous gents in NOLA, I need prebookings to justify my travels.  I must make this decision by Noon on Friday, December 9th.


Edited to add:  No NOLA this week.  (sad face)

Happy to be in Los Angeles and seeking kinky gentlemen who are interested in perverse adventures!  (very HAPPY face)

States I have visited..

Create Your Own Visited States Map

New Porn scene clip on Crash Pad

This scene was shot for Crash-Pad, a Lesbian sex site with Butch Stud.  My partner is coming over to my place for a hook up.  Never judge a book by it’s cover.  Just insert yourself as my partner and have a great time!









Going to …

Philadelphia, Center City  October 17 – 20




Manhattan, NYC   October 24 – 28


Make your appointment NOW and pay your deposit so I can check into the hotel!

Washington, DC October 11 – 16

Yes, I finally have a successful tour going.


This means lovely gentlemen pre-booked my visit and paid deposits so I was able to check into my hotel with the cash to pay my entire hotel bill.  It is the only way I can tour a city now.  I can’t go unless I have the $ for the hotel bill, minimum.


And I have had such grand adventures each day.  I love it.



School Master/student role play:

In science class, student Ann broke 7 test tubes trying to do her science experiement.  Students were told to be careful, they were expensive, that we were even allowed to do hands on experiments was a privledge.
When handed her tube, she wasn’t paying attention and never quite grasped it.
When put in the holder on her desk, she was shuffling he rpaper, swiped it and it went flying.
When putting it in the clamp, she crushed it, 2x.
When setting up the bunson burner under it, she cracked it.
When all of the incredients were in, she turned on the flame and melted it.  It turns out she had the torch instead of the bunsom burner.
Sent to the SchoolMaster to learn to be focused.


Doctor/nurse role play


The Clinic for Sexual Completion has a new Doctor transferred to it.  The clinic educates and assists people in learning how to acheive climax and being open to enjoying it.  Nurse Ann is showing Doctor Nick around the facility, going over equipment available and prepping for his first client.  The client postpones her appointment.  Doctor Nick asks nurse Ann when the last time it was she had a phyical.  Too long ago, so he makes sure everything is working properly and then asks her to demonstrate her skills with patients on him.

Folsom Street Faire

This was incredible.  I had such a fantastic time.


The North American Pony/Trainer 2017 titleholders made it on stage with all the other current Leather title holders this year.  This is a first.  No other Pony and Pony Trainer have represented before.  I am very proud to have made this possible for Tindala and Trixie LaFontaine.


Beauty participated in the Animal Cavalcade.  It was glorious.


DerekWilliams01 more_or_less01 CharlieArcher01 more_or_less03 more_or_less04

My Schedule for September 12 – 21

I am available on Niteflirt 5 am – 8 am.  Just click on the “CALL me”  button.


I then go hiking with my dog and I don’t take my cell phone.


I am available for sessions or I am available on Niteflirt 10 am – 7 PM.  If I am logged off Niteflirt, I may be walking my dog, Kelly.  I’ll be right back.


Hope to chat or meet with you and have naughty fun!




No Houston Visit

I wish it turned out different but i cannot justify traveling to houston this next week based on my pre-booked appointments.  Love you all, wish to serve you, and I must do good business.  Another time, we shall meet, please.

I do not regret, I celebrate my actions that expressed the true spirit of me.

“A slut is someone, usually a woman, who’s stepped outside of the very narrow lane that good girls are supposed to stay within. Sluts are loud. We’re messy. We don’t behave. In fact, the original definition of “slut” meant “untidy woman.” But since we live in a world that relies on women to be tidy in all ways, to be quiet and obedient and agreeable and available (but never aggressive), those of us who color outside of the lines get called sluts. And that word is meant to keep us in line.” ― Jaclyn Friedman

For me, being a slut is a good thing.  I sucked all the cock, all the pussy, fucked the people I wanted to.  I did not miss out on an opportunity I wanted.  If you haven’t sucked cock in a parking lot or drank the nector of your girlfriend in a parking garage, or in the middle of now where or in a cheap hotel or quietly while your family slept, you seriously missed a fabulous time.  I look back on every moment and cherish them.


And thank you, to all that shared these fine moments with me.


“Love well, whip well.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.”
– Alfred Hitchcock

“The great object of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even though in pain.”
– Byron

“Duty is not beneficial because it is commanded, but is commanded because it is beneficial.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has not overcome them.”
– Carl Jung

Zen Koan: “A thorn pricks you: It tells us the void is empty.”

“There are no gains without pains.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
– M. Kathleen Casey

“Think of three Things, whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires.”
– Marquis de Sade

“The only abnormality is the inability to love.”
– Anais Nin

“The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty.”
– Shakespeare

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.”
– Kahlil Gibran

“Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear’s path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
– Frank Herbert

“There’s nothing either good or bad … but thinking makes it so!”
– Shakespeare

“There is no terror in the bang … only in the anticipation of it.”
– Alfred Hitchcock

“A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally.”
– Oscar Wilde