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Touring Washington, DC (February 23 – 28 and Philladelphia (February 29 – March 4

Thank you  for your support, Gents!


I have enough pre-booked appointments to confirm going on tour!


I still have availability Wednesday evening, Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday,  and Sunday.  So, if you just saw my ad, do use the Contact Me form and make an appointment.  I love to play!


Please, in your note to me, tell me a bit about you, what you are interested in, any fetishes you’d like to explore, what day/time works for you (please give a couple options) and how long of an appointment you are looking for (one hour, 1.5, 2 or more 😉   )



Super loving Los Angeles

Unless I have an appointment I hike in the morning at Kenneth Hahn Park.  This is such a fantastic park with many trails and options for Kelly (my rescue dog) and me.  There are two entrances, and bonus, at the entrance on Stocker and La Brea, you can opt out of Hahn Park and take Stocker Trail.


Sage is still my favorite restaurant , butternut squash with pesto.  yum, yum.


Thinking about going to Washington DC (February 23 – 28) and Philadelphia (February 29 – March 3) the end of February.  I need enough pre-booking to justify the tour.  Or I can’t go.  Every appointment counts towards my being able to travel, book your appointment using the Contact Me form today.


Go now! Book.  I know you want to have fun with me.  I am a good toy.  😉


I really want to travel and see you.  Kelly has a wonderful home to visit while I am gone with other dog-type chaps to play with.  So, book that appointment and let’s play!  I only need one more appointment to cover my expenses!

What is my Gift List?

I am so glad you asked.


You may check it out here:  Giftster List


Gifts are always appreciated.

I have been hanging out in Los Angeles, about to take a 2.5 day jaunt to Atlanta, GA

I am really loving staying in Los Angeles.


I am able to regulate my meals better.  I’m not perfect.  Very occasionally I do a run to Sweet Lady Jane’s for a sweet cake.  On the whole though, happy with my diet, meat that does not not have antibiotics, fresh fruit and vegetables, very low bread intake.


Kelly has been a big assistant in having me walk every day.  We take wonderful walks in Kenneth Hahn Park everyday.  The time depends on my schedule.


The dungeons and Play Spaces here are super nice.  In the SF Valley is The Catsuit Lounge, westside has a Play Space in Culver City (Centinela between Venice Blvd. and Culver Blvd.) ; and there is Dungeon East downtown (14th and Alameda) or Dungeon West (Hillcrest at Jefferson).


Now it is time to check my bag, go through my clothes and get ready for a fast trip to Atlanta.  I’m really looking forward to it.  I will be in Buckhead district Tuesday, then move to downtown at the CNN Center Wednesday and Thursday.



Thank you, North East, it was a great tour! Now home in Los Angeles and ready to play!

It’s always something.


That itch.  it creeps up on me.


I took off to back East.  I spent a week in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Manhattan and Boston.  It was glorious.  I played a LOT.  I had so much fun.  It means a great deal to me to be able to travel and have a heavy work load that makes the tour worth while.  AND I really love letting Robin Pachino be the slut she is.

I even took a day off, Halloween, and went to Salem.  I’d never been.  It was so cool, all the costumes, all the happiness.

Back in Los Angeles, November 7th, I was extremely grateful to my neighbors, whom watered my flowers and strawberry/herb garden.  YAY!  I made them Tomato Sauce as a thank you.


Yes, I have this nifty cool little herb garden with sages, oregano, thyme, rosemary, mint, basil, chamomile, fennel, dill, parsley, chives and red leaf lettuce.  And a hillside of strawberry plants.   It was a deserted patch of land the gardeners blew leaves and top soil off and down to the street, the rain in the winter makes it into a big mud slide, just ick.  So, I turned the soil, turned good soil into it and planted.  It makes me happy.  It is life, growing and smells nice.  The birds in my area evidently do not have any idea about urban gardens because they don’t notice it at all.

I got a rescue dog last week.  I went around to five shelters.  I sat with different dogs, asked the front staff about different dogs.  So much sadness there.  People get dogs and don’t train them, then they aren’t puppies anymore and they tear up everything and aren’t house trained.  Some dogs are escape artists.  There is a beautiful husky in the West side Shelter who is well behaved.  people adopt him and he just runs away.  They can’t contain him, it’s a hassle and he ends up back at the shelter.  So, my dog…..


She was labeled German Shepard.  She isn’t.  She is a Rottweiler and Pit Bull mix.  To say that would have been death.  She is the sweetest dog.  The NoKillLosAngeles Shelter got her from the South Los Angeles Shelter.  A family turned her in.  They say she is 5 but I wonder if she is older.  She has a lot of gray around her nose.  It’s okay to be older.  Did you know nose prints are like fingerprints?  She is house trained, doesn’t get on furniture and quiet.  We are learning to walk and not pull.


I have had a good rest, and today, I really have that itch.  I want to work.  Where are the gents?

Walking, Speed Walk shoes for outside

How does anyone choose a correct shoe for your foot and needs anymore?  How do you know what is actually a good shoe with support for your foot?  As opposed to a popular brand and the latest color fashion trend?


A shoe should fit your foot, not your foot trying to fit into the shoe.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Achilles notch. Reduces stress on the Achilles tendon.
  • Ankle collar. Cushions the ankle and ensures proper fit.
  • Upper. Holds the shoe on your foot and is usually made of leather, mesh or synthetic material. Mesh allows better ventilation and is lighter weight.
  • Insole. Cushions and supports your foot and arch. Removable insoles can be laundered or taken out to dry between walking sessions.
  • Midsole. Provides comfort, cushioning and shock absorption.
  • Outsole. Makes contact with the ground. Grooves and treads can help maintain traction.
  • Toe box. Provides space for the toes. A roomy and round toe box helps prevent calluses.
  • Gel pad. Cushions and reduces impact when your foot strikes the ground.
  • Roll bar. Helps stabilize your foot if it tends to roll inward when striking the ground.


Consider your foot type.  Mine are short and wide with the big toe longest and a high arch.


Here are some tips for finding the best fit in a pair of walking shoes:

  • Wear the same socks you’ll wear when walking, or take the socks with you to the store.
  • Shop for shoes after you’ve been walking for a while, and later in the day, when your feet are at their largest.
  • Buy shoes at an athletic shoe store with professional fitters or at a store where you have lots of options.
  • Ask the salesperson to measure both feet, measure them yourself, or have a friend or family member help you. Measure your feet each time you buy shoes, because your foot size can change gradually over years. Stand while your foot is measured to get the most accurate measurement.
  • If one foot is larger than the other, try on a pair that fits your larger foot.
  • Try on both shoes and check the fit. Wiggle your toes. If you don’t have at least a half-inch (1.3 centimeters) between your longest toe and the end of the shoe — approximately the width of your finger — try a larger size.
  • Be sure the shoe is wide enough. The side-to-side fit of the shoe should be snug, not tight. If you’re a woman with wide feet, consider men’s or boys’ shoes, which are cut a bit larger through the heel and the ball of the foot.
  • Walk in the shoes before buying them. They should feel comfortable right away. Make sure your heel fits snugly in each shoe and doesn’t slip as you walk.

And lastly, if you can see the shoe is cheaper online and the right size, ask the sales person for a discount to match the online price.  If they don’t do it, buy it online.



Just Tell Me

I am a submissive. I love to serve. It genuinely pleases me a great deal to see you happy. I also have empath traits, which means I am open to process your feelings and energy. That means I really feel excited when you feel excited.

What this may look like when we see each other is that when you orgasm, I orgasm. I never fake this. It is a product of being truly connected to you, an element of playing which, in my humble opinion, is important. I focus my attention to be connected with you. What happens out of that, happens. I do not need to touch my pussy or have you touch my pussy or clit to orgasm from being truly ecstatic that you are having an orgasm.

However, if this bothers you, as a recent review stated:

Cons – When I was giving her a pearl necklace, she started to moan and shudder like she was having an orgasm too, but I had given her pussy zero attention. It was over-the-top, unexpected, and distracted me a little bit (still came hard though).

Just tell me before we start. I will know to curb my enthusiasm for your orgasm.

What books do I buy, what books do I read?

Want to talk books?


I have read the Harry Potter books a couple of times, I have binge watched the moves several times, I have spent a glorious 3 days at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.


I have read The Game of Thrones books a couple times, I have read fan theories, I have watched u-tube clips on story/character theories, I have watched the show.


I just bought as an audio book “Made to Stick:  Why some Ideas Survive and Other Die” by Chip Heath.  You will have to wait until I travel somewhere driving to ask me about it.

Just bought today books:

The Complete Essays of Mark Twain

Ways of Seeing


Just finished:


Bad Unicorn

I loved it.  It was an easy, page turning read with characters I liked.  I didn’t have to think while I read it.  Entertaining, creative new story,and because:  unicorn.


Edited to add:

Fluff Dragon

The sequel to Bad Unicorn was just sent to me. September 20, 2015


Just reread:


The Black Stallion

I loved it.  It was actually read to me by a friend.  I love to have books read to me or read books to others.  Keeps you on the edge of your seat story, and because: Alex & the Black.

Edited to add:

Return of the Black Stallion was just sent to me.  September 19, 2015.





I love when someone shares the book they are reading, tells me why they find it engaging.

The Art of Conversation

If you like to include conversation in your date, if you are here to share more than a spanking and want to spark that connection….


I don’t think anything attracts me more than the space between your ears inside your head, the brain….that sexy organ.


but how to begin?

Sometimes the simplest questions will release an avalanche.


1. Tell me about you.
2. What’s your story?
3. What personal passion project are you working on right now?
4. Working on anything exciting lately?
5. What was the highlight of your day today?
6. What was the highlight of your week?
7. What was the high-point and low-point of your day so far?

There is nothing wrong with asking me a question you really want to know the answer of.  Just be prepared, the answer may surprise you.

Some of my favorites that gentlemen ask me:


You have done a LOT of inter-racial porn.  Have you always liked black cock?  Is it better?

What did you grow up wanting to be?

Where have you traveled to lately, where do you want to go to next?

What are you reading now?



How do I prepare to chat with you?  I usually read the headlines of the local paper when I am traveling.  That way I have something current to chat on and segue into something about your clothes or a book you are carrying.

A few words about deposits and cut fees

Again, a session made weeks before, a confirmation call made the day before.  I am mentally prepared to serve, my room is ready, and I am dressed as requested. And a gentlemen who has been vouched for doesn’t call to say something came up, an emergency happened, nothing.  Just No Call, No Show.  At six minutes into the hour I call the number he called me on to confirm his appointment to ask if he is close by?  stuck in traffic?  but sadly, no answer and it goes to voice mail. I have decided to be more diligent in requiring deposits from new clients due this and requesting my cut fee when return clients let me down.

Why I feel the deposit is a good thing for prospective partners I make appointments to play with and me:

The deposit is not…

* a get-quick-rich scheme.

* a horrible attempt at financial domination.

* drug money.

* rent.

* new toy expenses.

* fun money.

The deposit is…

* a reservation fee that secures your first session in my busy schedule.

* compensation for my time and expertise in developing, planning, and prepping for a session based on your interests and phone conversation.

* a way to ensure W/we both show up prepared.

*  a statement of you ready to enjoy your diabolical torture of me, and I:  clean, suited up, and ready with a clear vision of how to properly serve you.

With a deposit…

* I feel compensated for my time and skills.

* you ensure I have given proper thought and am well-prepared for your session.

* and if I am renting a space, the dungeon knows I am reliable when scheduling.

Without a deposit…

* I am inconvenienced.

* you are inconvenienced.

* and if I am renting a space, the dungeon is inconvenienced.

Unlike your hairdresser or dentist, I do not sit in the dungeon 9-5, latex-clad, ready to pounce at any given gentleman at any given time. I am an independent provider, which means I do not have the luxury of taking another gentleman in lieu of you (because I turned down all other offers when I accepted your appointment). When I talk to a perspective client on the phone, I am working; taking notes, making connections, asking questions, coming up with ideas, and hopefully at the end, scheduling a session. I am customizing our time together. your nominal deposit is part of your total tribute and therefore should be considered part of the session as it is arguably the most crucial part – preparation and planning. Be suspicious if a Domme or submissive you are seeing for the first time is more eager than you about meeting. While same day appointments can be spontaneous and fun, sometimes they are a product of poor planning and quick-buck-making. Tell your cock to try to be a little judicious when hard.  Sometimes you may catch me at just the right moment, I was web camming and all prepared to spend hours online, and instead I shall log off and see you in person.  More likely, I am in the middle of paperwork, working out or a nail appointment to look good for my other scheduled appointments.  I cannot just jump up and serve you without notice.

And a note on cancellations: When you cancel a day in advance with or without a deposit, same day or just straight up don’t show up and do not bother to text/email/call, my day gets all messed up. I arranged my schedule to accommodate you,  I listened to what you had to say and decided to accept a session with you.  You also, most likely at this stage, have taken up significant time in a shared calendar with other Dommes/submissives/switches who are vying for time. When you cancel, that time slot is now forever lost in the abyss that is shitty last minute cancelations never to be seen again by the light of day. Beyond that, and as you now know, there was other grunt work involved prior to the rodeo: driving to and from the dungeon, cleaning and prepping the dungeon, etc. And no, there is still no technology that makes us instantly beautiful (yet), so YES, there’s that too. With no deposit, and sometimes the added bonus of a last minute no-show, it turns into one enormous invested time suck and continues to be for the rest of the day. In short, it sucks, horribly… and makes me sad.  Paying your cut-fee via submissann at gmail dot com using PayPal will let me know you are disappointed also, you really did have an emergency, you really would rather be putting me through my paces and cannot wait to have another opportunity to do that.

In conclusion:  The deposit is my proper compensation for my time and skills. It lets me know that you are interested in a session beyond wanking off on the phone once and forgetting about it or canceling the day of. The dungeon can also put more faith in each session I book if they know I require one. For you, the Gentleman, it reassures you that I will show up and be the best submissive I can be because I have been respected and compensated for my skills and time. There is a mutual respect created when a deposit is procured. The time and energy that goes into the preliminary session process is not to be scoffed at! Respect me and yourself by providing a deposit – it is an investment in my happiness and ultimately, in yours as well. I will be awaiting to serve you, knowing my limits will be respected, I need not be worried or have nervousness, I may relax, listen intently and obey, throwing my whole self into serving you – obeying your commands.