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One bag to rule them all, one bag to bind them..

I am home in Los Angeles.  Packing for my Chicago visit and cleaning up.  Am I the only one with a plastic bag full of other plastic bags in the cupboard?

Credit Cards

Using a credit card is a convenience I offer clients.  I prefer cash payment for professional submissive or Service Topping BDSM sessions.


If you charge your credit card, your billing statement says SMA Productions.


I use Intuit services to process credit cards.


When you buy a subscription to this site, my book (“Pony Play with subMissAnn”), a calendar, a water bottle, etc. it is an easy and straight forward process to use your credit card.

Palm Springs Pride parade November 9th

Palm Springs rejuvenated their Pride Festival.   There was a new set up, different location for the stages, more entertainment and the Parade Route was changed.   Change or die.   We had so much fun!!!

This is Pepper pup and Wolf Jack.

Palm Springs Pride 2014 03

  Palm Springs Pride 2014 08 Palm Springs Pride Parade

This is Speckles Pony and a Guest Handler!

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Here is Beauty.  I asked a friend, Madoc Pope to take my reins.

Palm Springs Pride 2014 06Palm Springs Pride 2014 01 (1)

Palm Springs Pride 2014 02Palm Springs Pride 2014 06


We had such a good time, the weather was perfect and the crowd was admiring!

Even walking the carts back to our hotel, we met more fans/fascinating people!

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After the parade, we ate at Madame Wu’s

Palm Springs Pride 2014 09

It was fabulous.  A terrific day was had by all.

A friend found this video on vimeo.

I am seen at the 4:19 mark.

Dallas November 4 to 7

I had such a fabulous time in Dallas.  The Fairmont Hotel is quite lovely.  It was interesting walking around downtown from such a different starting point,  Views of cities differ greatly when seen through different approaches.


I still love the Fish Market.  I still think Bob’s Steakhouse at the Omni is the best for Steak.  In a pinch, the beef sliders on a pretzel bun at the Fairmont Hotel Bar are tasty and very satisfying.

Boston October 21 – 25 Hot HOT HOT!!!!

‘I’ve had the time of my Life” would be a good way to recap this week.  Thank you, thank You!


This link was forwarded to me, ENJOY!

Just arrived in Stamford, Conneticut

Priceline has taken me to “Old Greenwich” even though I checked Stamford.  It seems a beautiful upscale town.  I walked from the hotel to the “business district” today.  Sweet Peas Baking Company is wonderful.  I feel like I am walking around Mayberry – the TV show town.  If it did not get cold, do that snowy winter thing here, I’d love it.

Dennis the doorman picked me up at the Stamford train station.  He is a gem employee.  I hope this hotel appreciates him.  He was punctual, soft spoken and a good driver.  After I settled into my room, I called for the free van to talk me to the bank and a store to buy soy milk.  Again Dennis, and again, excellent service.

Maybe tomorrow gentlemen will start calling in for Boston, Providence and DC.  It would be nice to work in Stamford.  I will be stopping in New Haven next time I do my NorthEast corridor tour.  Connecticut men are funny.  I stop in Hartford, I get emails they want me in Stamford, I stop in Stamford and my mail box is empty.  I’m trying here, gentlemen.


In the meantime, walks are great.  The weather is breezy, not too cold, not hot and sunny.  YAY!

Manhattan October 13 – 18

Always busy in Manhattan.  I love working here.  Gentlemen are into their sessions.



After a vigorous work out serving Friday afternoon, I did a walk about Manhattan. Just great to walk around and window shop.

At five, a met a friend at Le Pain Quotidien.  Yummmmmm!


And then off to Central park to find a horse.  Finding the perfect horse to take me on a carriage ride is a zen energy thing.  Robert was delightful.



Robert knows exactly where the camera is as he displays his beautiful white carriage.

Central ParkRobert2

I truly love Robert personality, skill (he looks before moving out in traffic with cars and does a mean cross-over step to pivot his carriage in a 180 turn) and charm.


Robert moves right in for the selfie, no encouragement needed. Always so delightful to share time with Carmelle.

Lee Harrington to present two classes at EQUUS International Pony Play Event, plus opportunity to be a Pegasus!

I am very excited to announce Lee Harrington will be presenting at Equus International Pony Play Event.

His classes are:

“Taking the Lead: Human Pony, Puppy and Animal Handling”

The freedom of becoming something greater than human is a call for many, but what about those of us who have to take care of these “creatures”? Let’s explore why we enjoy pet handling, owning human animals, and training these beautiful beings. Whether new to pony handling or an experienced equine enthusiast, we will look at our own desires and how to make them happen.

“Roping Up Your Pony”

Some of us don’t want to invest hundreds of dollars on tack, or don’t like leather. Maybe you are traveling and don’t have room for all of your gear in your carry-on. Using just a few pieces of rope we will make body harnesses, leg wraps, tails and even complex head cages together. Bring two 25-30ft pieces of rope and one 25-30ft piece of parachute cord to play along!

There will also be an opportunity to be created into a Pegasus!

About sexuality author/educator Lee Harrington:

His unicorn name is Cupcake, and formerly ponied under the name Ponygirl Lady.

Lee Harrington is an internationally known spiritual and erotic authenticity educator, gender explorer, eclectic artist and award-winning author and editor on human erotic and sacred experience. He is a nice guy with a disarmingly down to earth approach to the fact that we are each beautifully complex ecosystems, and we deserve to examine the human experience from that lens. He’s been traveling the globe (from Seattle to Sydney, Berlin to Boston), teaching and talking about sexuality, psychology, faith, desire and more, and is grateful for the journeys and love he has found along the way. He has been an academic and a female adult film performer, a world class sexual adventurer, an outspoken philosopher, is a kink/bondage expert, and has been blogging about sex and spirituality since 1998.

Before his gender transition, Lee formerly appeared in human pony adult productions under the names Ponygirl Lady and Bridgett Harrington for Equus Eroticus, Playboy TV, Pet Girls, Shadow Players and more. With appearances on pony play on the Tyra Banks show and for the Museum of Sex, Lee has continued since transition to write on pony play for the book “The Ultimate Guide to Kink” (edited by Tristan Taormino) and in scene magazines. Having run animal play programming for the Dark Odyssey events for a decade, Lee also has done podcasts on the topic on his own show, and written about animal role-playing in the context of altered states of consciousness in his book “Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond.”

Some of his other books include “Playing Well With Others: Your Guide to Discovering, Exploring and Negotiating the Kink, Leather and BDSM Communities” (with Mollena Williams), “Shibari You Can Use: Japanese Rope Bondage and Erotic Macramé,” “More Shibari You Can Use: Rope Bondage for Intention and Connection,” and the “Toybag Guide to Age Play.” He has also worked as an anthology editor on such projects as “Rope, Bondage, and Power” and “Spirit of Desire: Personal Explorations of Sacred Kink,” while contributing actively to other anthologies, magazines, blogs and collaborations. Check out the trouble Lee has been getting into, as well as his regular podcast, tour schedule, free essays, videos and more over at

Waxing at European Wax Center

I tried out a new Waxing Salon Center.  It was fabulous.


European Wax Center


They are all over the United States, so getting a gift card for my birthday or Christmas would be very groovy, just sayin’   😉

Southern California Fall Fox Hunt

It is wicked, crazy fun!


I love camping. I glam camp.  It is so warm I do not need a campfire.  I brought a propane campfire but I put it back in my car.


My set up:


Water for drinking and cleaning myself (no shower or sink available at site)

Emergency Medical kit

Four person tent for ME, MYSELF and I!

Queen size inflatable mattress (battery powered)

Flannel flat sheet (over blow up mattress to keep the cold ground away from me)

Double sleeping bag for 2 people (so I can stretch out)

Camping Table

Camping Chairs (2)

Lantern with fuel

Flashlights with batteries

Current book to read

LED lighted Canopy 10′ x 10′ with mesh nettign sides to keep out bugs

Stove (have a double burner and a single burner so I can cook and make coffee
at the same time) with fuel.

Chuck Box: contains camping dishes, camping soap, rags, paper towels, sponge,
scrapper, 2 washing tubs (one to wash – one to rinse), utensils, cooking ware &
utensils, french press, plastic garbage bags

Personal Toiletries

Food: I plan each meal. I have an ice box and frozen packages to keep
things fresh.

Clothes: hiking/exploring gear, sitting around wear, sleeping wear

All my Trainer gear, tack, equipment, tools, and stuff.

I did a GoPro video of the Hunt, so you can see it through my point of view.

 [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”QR7AeIDyXAE” width=”800″ height=”450″ &rel=0 auto_thumb=”1″]


[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”ZedGrtKNvlU” width=”800″ height=”450″ &rel=0 auto_thumb=”1″]